Sunday, November 25, 2007

Young American Alcohol Culture

Last nite, I had the pleasure of attending a young woman's 21st birthday party. The birthday girl was a friend of my brother's.
Recently, in St. Kitts, I attended a Kittitian woman's 21st birthday party. There isn't really a legal drinking age in SK, so 21 isn't particularly special. She shared one drink with her sister. Kittitian women don't really drink. She sang Killing Me Softly at karaoke and called it a night. As the only American girl, I was the drunkest one in our group.
Jackie's celebration, however, was a house party of about 50 college students, all drinking. I do believe I was the only guest not drinking. People-watching was very educational and the night ended in a drunken fist fight between 2 boys. I was the DD for Christian's 3 friends, but Christian insisted on staying the night at the party house. On the way home I said I didn't understand and his friends just answered, "that's drunk Christian."


1. Closer community & family ties

2. Closer relationship with the land: growing

3. Greater respect for money, responsibilities

"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is its undoing." -Bob Marley

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