Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 4

And then there was the time
When my boyfriend and I stayed up all night to fight and finally had to
Just go to sleep. It was a pretty bad fight, we're
Both passionate, sensitive, don't like it when
Our emotions get the best of us. I have to admit the ten year
Age difference makes him a bit more prim
In his manners than myself. This morning showed his shy self
And it just wasn't our
Usual love bubble. After trouble
In paradise, doesn't our

Love conquer all? I'm grateful that he was willing to pray with me
This morning and that God, as we each understand
God, softened our hearts. Craig bought me a delicious iced tea
in Santa Cruz and we rode our bicycles along the cliffs. Sunny, cool breeze finally won,
djembes, dijareedoo, a sweet doggy,
The living salt sea... Craig makes this sound like "daaaahh, man,
so rad!!" when something is too hippie for him to articulate and I guess it was!

1 comment:

badness outta style

badness outta style
me neighbors